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Julie Bjelland


Supporting Highly Sensitive People & The Neurodiverse


Helping you lower sensitivity challenges so you can flourish to your fullest potential.

Please share this page with other HSPs and the Neurodiverse, and together, we can support sensitive people around the world. ❤️


Free Resources


Sensitivity Quiz

How sensitive are you? Discover more about yourself in this free quiz.

HSP Video

Learn all about the HSP trait so you can better understand what sensitivity is.

The HSP Podcast

Top 5% most shared and followed globally. Listen to how to thrive as an HSP.

The HSP Blog

Explore helpful articles on navigating life and work as an HSP.


Letter for Practitioners

Share this letter with your doctor, therapist, or other professionals to avoid misdiagnosis.

Letter About High Sensitivity

Share with your friends, family, & coworkers to help them understand sensitivity.

Letter for Hospital & Medical Procedures

Give this letter to your medical team for hospital stays & medical procedures.

HSP Practitioners Directory

Connect with HSP therapists, coaches, & other healers who love working with HSPs.



Discover how to develop more self-compassion that helps with everything!

Calming Technique

Join my newsletter and get a copy of my guide to calming the nervous system.

Sensitive Children

Support for understanding and parenting highly sensitive children.

Improve Your Sleep

Tips that help highly sensitive people sleep better and improve wellness.


My Favorite Sensory Soothing Products


I’m Julie Bjelland, LMFT

A Licensed Psychotherapist specializing in the Highly Sensitive and Neurodiverse, with an extra focus on Adult-Diagnosed Autism in the Sensitive. I founded Sensitive Empowerment to share proven tools globally, enhancing mental and physical health for those of us with unique brain-wiring and sensitive nervous systems. My passion is encouraging the embrace of neurodiversity as an extraordinary diversity that supports humanity. Flourishing at our highest potential allows us to share our unique gifts. Learn more at